Organizational Training

Customer Centricity is only effective when your whole organization engages in it. Let's get started.

No company ever thinks of itself as not being customer-centric.

Sure, they conduct customer surveys and tout the positive NPS scores they receive. They may even regularly engage with their key customers. Isn’t that being customer-centric?

In a word, no. These are merely activities (and likely biased ones at that).  

What do market leaders like USAA, Amazon, and Netflix have in common? They operate their businesses through the view of the customers. Not just marketing their entire business. And the results? Category leadership, incredible customer loyalty, and higher rates of growth.

Does this sound like your firm?

The Mier Practice has been assisting in architecting customer-centric cultures for more than 20 years. From executive briefings and workshops to departmental training to company-wide educational plans, we can help you accelerate your journey on the right path and with urgency.

Netflix. UnderArmour. McKesson. Performance Food Group. AAG.

Good company to be in.

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